Whether searching for dedicated infrastructure management, or premium managed hosting offerings, options for small and medium sized organizations are limited. Acira Group provides simple and effective managed cloud services, reducing your overhead and giving you access to the latest technologies and best practices.
AG Managed Cloud
Managed CMS Updates
WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Concrete5, +more
Domain Management
Never lose domains, or worry about DNS settings
Managed Backups
Daily Backups + Periodic Doomsday Backup
Uptime Monitoring
Proactive monitoring to ensure your website is always up
Dedicated Infrastructure
Acira Group takes a different approach to standard hosting soluctions to keep your applications fast, reliable and secure. We set up and maintain dedicated infrastructure†for each and every client, along with industry-leading external tools and services to ensure your applications are running at peak performance, all the time.
Managed CMS Updates
Using automation for software upgrades can be a great strategy for security patching, but mission-critical web infrastructure updates need human involvement to ensure every part of the software remains running at peak performance and nothing breaks. That’s why we have a team of consultants to manually perform updates in scheduled maintenance hours.
Domain Management
Domain holdings and management are important to many organizations, and Acira Group understands that. Together with other cloud services, we offer robust managed domain registration and DNS settings maintenance to ensure your domains remain secure and consistently updated.
†Dedicated infrastructure in this context includes VPS instances as well as dedicated hardware. Acira Group manages some assets in a shared environment. Contact us for details.